ONTARIO PROFILE REPORT-The Ontario Corporation Profile Report provides information on an existing Ontario Corporations. Taken from ONBIS (Ontario Business Information System), the Profile contains details on the names and addresses of the officers and directors, registered office/mailing address, current “status” of the corporation, incorporation date and number, any business names registered by the corporation and details on previous amalgamations/name changes, etc.
Order an Ontario Profile Report-Uncertified ($35.25)
Order an Ontario Profile Report-Certified ($45.25)
ONTARIO CORPORATE DOCUMENT LIST -A Corporate Document list shows all documents filed by the Corporation since June 27, 1992. It identifies the document filed, the filing date and by who and also indicates if the corporation has any default notices on file.
Order a Corporate Document List ($30.25)
Order a Corporate Document List-Certified ($40.25)
ONTARIO BUSINESS NAMES LIST- This report shows all active or renewed business names registered by a corporation within the last 5 years. Details of the business includes the full business name, the date of registration or renewal and its BIN (Business Identification Number). If more information is required, a Business Name Search should be ordered.
Order a Business Names List ($35.25)
Order a Business Names List-Certified ($45.25)
Order a Certificate of Status ($53.25)
Order Ontario PPSA Search ($41.74)
BUSINESS NAME REPORTS -are done on existing (non incorporated entities) Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships and “Style” registrations (those registered to a Corporation) to obtain information on the date of registration, registration number, current owner and address(es).
Order a Business Name Report ($39.63)
Order a Business Name Report-Certified ($47.63)
ONTARIO DOCUMENT REPLICA --This search report provides you with the equivalent of a photocopy of any BNLP (Business name/Limited Partnership) document filed within the last 5 years for the Business/Limited Partnership
Order a Document Replica (- $35.25)
Order a Document Replica-Certified ($45.25)
ONTARIO BNLP DOCUMENT LIST --BNLP Document Lists are available for Sole Proprietorships, General Partnerships, Corporate Business Names (Style registrations), Limited Partnerships, Limited Liability Partnerships and Partnership Business names registered on or after April 1, 1994. This report shows all documents, with filing dates, filed by that business name or limited partnership.
Order a BNLP Document List ($30.25)
Order a BMLP Document List-Certified ($40.25)
ONTARIO PARTNERSHIP BUSINESS NAME LIST - - This report shows all Business Names registered or renewed since July 15, 1996 to a General or Limited Partnership. This is similar to a Corporation Business Names List
Order a Partnership Business Name List ($35.25)
Order a Partnership Business Name List-Certified ($45.25)
CERTIFICATE OF NON-REGISTRATION (ONTARIO ONLY) This report certifies that there is no record of the Business Name or Number being searched within the last 5 years under the Business Names Act or a declaration under the Limited Partnerships Act
Order a Certificate of Non-Registration ($57.63)